What is ductless A/C?

Ductless AC (also called “mini-split AC”) work the same way a central air conditioner works—just without the ducts.

Ductless AC and central AC produce cool air exactly the same way: they suck in warm air from your home, absorb the heat and moisture from that air, then dump the heat/moisture outside.

The main difference between the 2 systems is how they deliver  the cool air:

  • Ductless AC blows cold air directly into the one room/area it cools (sans ducts)

  • Central AC blows cold air into a network of air ducts where it’s dispersed throughout the entire home

Ductless AC units focus on cooling one room.

Ductless AC units do exactly what their name suggests: provide cooling without the need for air ducts. These units don’t need ducts because they only cool one room (versus cooling an entire home like a central AC unit).


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