Heating is most often used during the winter months. As a result, a traditional air source heat pump works extra hard to extract the amount of heat from the cold air needed to properly heat your home. A geothermal heat pump system consumes less energy because it absorbs ground heat from the abundant supply stored below your home, making geothermal heating significantly more energy efficient.

Geothermal Cooling

During the summer, geothermal heating and cooling systems absorb heat from your home and transfer it to the underground loop where it is then absorbed by the cooler earth. The geothermal heat pump uses the cool water returning from the ground to create cool, dehumidified air conditioning for your home.

When you need cooling the most, the outside air is often the hottest. A traditional air source heat pump must work hard to force the heat from your home into the already heat-saturated air. In contrast, a geothermal heat pump consumes less energy as it easily rejects heat into the cool earth, making geothermal cooling significantly more energy efficient.

Lower Your Electric Bill With Geothermal Heating & Cooling

Geothermal is a great way to cut down on your power bill.

According to the US Department of Energy, the typical American family spends at least $2,000 a year on home electric bills. Heating, cooling and hot water costs combined make up over 70% of the typical electric bill, so installing energy-efficient HVAC systems may be one of the smartest home improvement investments you can make to lower your power bills.